Monday, November 15, 2010

Settled Sunday

Ok, and my birthday just passed by. Nothing extraordinary has happens. I had a not-so-fun-to-tale weekend. But at least I've got to settle few things I had on my mind the day I left Tambunan for KK.

As per the early entry, I had mentioned that I'll be performing on 13th for an event called Youth Art Festival. The show wasn't as good as what I'm expected. Well, not try to highlighting that I am a great singer, cause I'm not, at all. To make excuses, obviously, I may pick the wrong song, and lack of practice lead me to that so-forgettable-only performance.

Due to money management, I also limiting my hungers to visit few places during my weekend at KK. It's been November, and I'm so gonna have to do some saving and no more wastage on such crappy things. All this while, I totally driven by self-wants instead of self-needs and money flew just like that. Arggghhh!

To cut it short, on my way home this day, I went to settled my car payment, coincidentally Pizza Hut is just aside the bank, so I bought a take-away Hawaian Chicken pizza for my family. Then, I also decided to drop by to some car accessories and part store to find a car rim cap but disappointed. Coincidentally again, the CIMB bank is just near by the shop, so I went to made a transaction to a friend of mine for the shoes I bought from him. I'm dying to see and wear the shoes cause I've been wanting it so long. Yeah!

Oh did I mentioned that I bought a present for myself on my birthday? Hehe. I went to Times Bookstore that day and directly grabbed the Eat.Pray.Love phenomenal sold novel due to some reviews I've read and recommendations given to me. So, tadaaa. I'm gonna start my reading now. Not so now, I guess it should be tomorrow.

Going to further my nap.

Eat.Pray.Love xx